This course is based on the recordings of the Advanced WordPress Theme Development Course – Batch 01. In this course, you will learn how to develop a WooCommerce Theme.
Strong HTML & CSS Knowledge.
Basic understanding of Frontend Frameworks (Bootstrap).
Intermediate JavaScript & jQuery Knowledge.
Intermediate PHP Knowledge.
This course is sponsored by the following individuals to make it free after the live classes to the public. We are thankful to them for their contribution to the WP Academy’s mission to provide premium quality courses for free. If this course is helpful to you in any way, don’t forget to thank these people. You can also become a part of our mission by sponsoring any ongoing batches/courses available on Premium.WPAcademy.PK
if you are sincere with your self and want to learn professional and up to date theme development course join without any 2nd option. don’t waste your time on any other course as its entirely cover all requirement of courses
In short: Awesome Course
In details: A course with real life scenarios like debugging the things while teaching which is a great way of teaching something. I really love the way he the instructor doing all these stuff while teaching. It will help us to learn it more in depth and will know how to do debugging while stuck in something.
Thank You for helping us. Next Time I will enroll Insha Allah
Even a paid udemy course cannot beat this course. Thank you for providing this course, will become a diamond sponsor next time. InshAllah
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