Welcome to the brand-new series of JavaScript Course. JavaScript is the programming language of HTML & Web. It’s the programming language that all web developers must learn.
We will cover all the basics and advanced levels of JavaScript in Urdu. Starting with understanding the syntax, functions & methods then moving toward building complex functionalities for our web pages including form validations, animations, and much more.
After completing the Basic course of JavaScript in Urdu you can start using JS libraries such as jQuery, Node.js & Angular. We will try to cover those in short courses as-well.
You need basic computer operating skills with basic understanding of the English language. And you must know HTML & CSS. You can Learn HTML & CSS in Urdu Here
I recently completed the Basic JavaScript course from WP Academy and found it to be a fantastic introduction to JavaScript. The course content was well-structured, covering essential concepts with practical examples that made learning enjoyable and easy to follow. It has significantly boosted my confidence in working with JavaScript for web development projects.
I highly appreciate
Easy To Learn
Your my best teacher Sir Ji
This course has highlighted important topics like data types, functions, objects, events, arrays and loops of javascript.
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