? Modern, Elegant & Advanced WooCommerce Book Store Tutorial ? Everything is built from scratch using Elementor’s Theme Builder. This is a mega tutorial packed with 8+ hours of learning.

? Modern, Elegant & Advanced WooCommerce Book Store Tutorial ? Everything is built from scratch using Elementor’s Theme Builder. This is a mega tutorial packed with 8+ hours of learning.
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? Demo Website: https://wpactuts.com/websites/book-shop/
? Tutorial Assets: https://wpacademy.pk/go/book-shop-assets/
? Required Plugins
✅ WooCommerce ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/
✅ ACF ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/
✅ Elementor ➡ https://wordpress.org/plugins/elementor/
✅ Elementor Pro ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/elementor-pro/
✅ JetSmartFilters ➡ https://wpacademy.pk/go/jetsmartfilters/